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Common e-mail error messages

Received a mail bounce message?

Common issues that will generate a mail notification:

Email recipient address incorrectly spelt?

Email recipient address does not exist? 

Email too big? Our size limit is 50MB per email and the receiver may also have a limitation smaller than this. File sharing services should be used over this limit. (Dropbox, ownCloud, Box etc)

The receiving mail service is potentially misconfigured, an adjustment may be required by sender’s provider.

Has your email attachment been blocked? Read more here

Submit your Email issue

Please remember, while computers run the internet it is humans that make adjustments to email software, change email providers and misconfigure DNS settings. If your email cannot be delivered, do call the recipient first to let them know you are attempting to do so.

Submit a Issue


Error codes

Common error codes included in emails with a brief explanation.

501 = Invalid domain name within your “To” recipient address – Usually, a spelling mistake or the does not exist.

521 = The message sent is too large for the receiving party – Sending large attachments? Use a file-sharing service to send large files to the recipient.

522 = The recipient has exceeded their mailbox storage limit – Someone should call them and let them know as the recipient may be unaware of the issue.

550 = Invalid recipient – Usually a spelling mistake or the email address does not exist

What can I do?

The majority of mail users want to resolve the issue with minimal involvement, communication is key as a resolution is not always obvious without assistance from a network administrator

1. Retry the mail you are attempting to send, receiving a second bounce message will confirm it is not a one-off error.

2. Read the bounced email, while often full of technical jargon will have at the bottom of the mail a clear (yet technical) reason why the mail failed to be delivered.

3. Last resort, submit an issue, remove any personal information you do not wish to be seen by the administrator.


Mail administrators and technical persons

Visit web page “Notes for e-mail administrators” for further investigation as a starting point to resolve the issue discovered.